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The Management Entry Route (MER) is designed for procurement professionals, operating in a senior strategic role.

You'll receive a practical pathway that will guide you to MCIPS status, without having to go down the traditional learning and exam route. You will be assessed for your experience, knowledge and responsibility through an online assessment and a remote (Zoom/Teams) interview. Applications are also accepted from professionals with the relevant experience who may currently be between roles, on maternity leave, or taking a career break.

Important Links
Terms and Conditions

Stage 1: Application

Once you’re an Affiliate member you can begin your Management Entry Route (MER) application by submitting the following information in our online application form, located in your MyCIPS area.

  1. Details of your career history that demonstrates your procurement and supply chain management experiences, especially over the last 10 years.
  2. A full job description of your current role.
  3. testimonial letter from your line manager confirming that you work in the role described in your job description. This letter needs to be signed and on corporate headed paper. If this is not available, please complete a self-certification letter.
  4. Confirmation that your Ethical Procurement and Supply eLearning and Test is up to date. The Ethics Test is free for all members and can be found here
  5. An organisation chart on which your role is clearly visible. Up and down reporting lines should also be included.

To apply for MER, you'll need to go to your MyCIPS area, My requests and applications and then locate the MER application form and add it to your basket and checkout. The cost is £900 and will be converted into your currency when you add it into your basket.

Please ensure you have read the criteria carefully. If we find you unsuitable for MER after our assessment, a refund would be applicable. Please read our terms and conditions below for more information.

Stage 2a: CIPS online competency assessment

This is an online competency assessment, and it must be completed within 45 days of us sending you the link.

Assessment content

The CIPS Competency Assessment tests your level of knowledge against the themes in the CIPS Global Standard for Procurement and Supply at the professional Level.


The assessment will take approximately 90 minutes.

You will need to set aside at least this amount of uninterrupted time with reliable internet access to complete the assessment. You will need to undertake the whole assessment in one sitting.


Your results from the assessment will give us a clear insight into your knowledge at the Professional Level of the CIPS Global Standard and this will help the assessor in the next stage of your MER assessment.

Getting started with the assessment

The CIPS Competency Assessment access details will be sent to you by email.

Please note:

  • All questions require an answer.
  • The questionnaire must be completed in full and in one sitting.
  • You cannot save answers and go back to them later.
  • If you lose connection or must stop part way through, you’ll need to start from the beginning.
  • If you’re having issues accessing your assessment you should contact CIPS by email: or phone: +44 (0)1780 761473 and ask for the MER team.

What happens after the CIPS Competency Assessment?

Upon completion of this part of the assessment, you will receive an automated booking link to invite you to arrange a time for your interview assessment. You’ll receive the results from the CIPS competency assessment as part of your outcome report sent at stage 3.

Stage 2b: The interview assessment

You'll be invited to select a date for interview, following your completion of the online CIPS competency assessment and this will take place via video conferencing. Please note all interviews are recorded.

The interviewer will ask you a range of questions based around themes of the CIPS Global Standard for Procurement and Supply at the Professional Level.

On your MyCIPS page you'll be able to use the self-assessment tool to check any areas you would like to improve. This can be found in your My tests area.

Stage 3: Results and outcome report

Your results and final report will be sent to you within 30 days of you completing the MER interview assessment.

  • Pass: If you successfully pass all stages of the MER assessment process, we'll upgrade you to MCIPS grade of membership. We'll send you an email with your outcome report, and then you’ll receive your MCIPS welcome pack and certificate in the post within 60 days of your outcome email.
  • Fail: If you are unsuccessful, we will provide a detailed report outlining areas for development and advice on suggested next steps for you.

Development plan

One outcome from the MER assessment is the offer of undertaking a development plan. This offer is made if there is a small shortfall in up to three of the ten themes of the Global Standard at Professional Level. Please note a fee will be payable for development plans.

If you have been offered a development plan, go to your MyCIPS area, my requests and applications and purchase the MER development plan.

If you fail to meet the requirements of the development plan or the set deadline for submission, you will fail the MER assessment and be withdrawn from the MER route.

If you are subject to extenuating personal circumstances, then a formal application for an extension must be submitted to We will review any requests and provide a response at our own discretion.

Important Links

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box

Terms and Conditions

Please note the terms relating to the Management Entry Route, the MER policy and procedure document and the CIPS policies and conditions of application.


Course Prepration:-

11 Sessions 
33 Hours

3 Hours Per Session

MER Duration:-

From 30 to 60 Days